Cadmium Induced Hepato-Nephro Toxicity in Rat Model: Protective and Curative Influence of Hibiscus sabdarrifa L. Anthocyanins
The liver and kidney are prime targets of cadmium (Cd) toxicity and the search for antidotes of Cd-induced hepato-renal toxicity is an important area of research. This research was designed to assess the impact of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdarrifa L. on cadmium-induced hepato-nephro toxicity in rats following acute and chronic Cd exposure. Fifty adult male Wistar rats were shared into ten (10) groups (A-E): Naive control, Cd control, anthocyanins control, Cd (3g/body weight) + anthocyanins (/3mg/kg body weight) pre-treatment and Cd+anthocyanins post-treatment. Five groups were used for 5days acute toxicity study while the other five groups were used for the 15days chronic toxicity study. The organ/body weight ratio for the liver and kidney were considerably (p<0.05) reduced in rats after acute and sub-chronic exposure to Cd The administration of Cd to rats in both modes of exposure significantly (p<0.05) increased AST activity in serum with a corresponding decrease in the liver, but the changes were improved by pre and post treatment of Cd-exposed rats with HSA. Similarly, acute and chronic exposure to Cd significantly increased ALT activity in serum with a corresponding decrease in the liver. Pre-treatment and post-treatment of Cd-exposed rats with HSA considerably lowered serum creatinine and urea equated to rats exposedto Cd alone. The results showed that administration of cadmium to rats altered liver and kidney function indices. However, pre-treatment and post-treatment of Cd-exposed rats with H. sabdariffa anthocyanins meaningfully reversed these effects indicating that HS anthocyanins can ameliorate Cd-induced hepato-renal toxicity in Wistar rats.
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